Generating SSH keys

Creating and Copying SSH Elliptic Curve Keys

This guide provides step-by-step instructions for creating and copying SSH elliptic curve keys on Windows, macOS, and Linux.## Windows### Creating the Key1. Open PowerShell as an administrator.

1. Run the following command:

$ ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C ""

2. When prompted, choose a location to save the key (default is `C:\Users\YourUsername\.ssh\id_ed25519`).

3. Enter a passphrase when prompted (or press Enter for no passphrase).

Copying the Keys1. Navigate to the .ssh directory:

$ cd ~\.ssh

2. View and copy the public key:

$ cat | pbcopy

Important Notes

- The public key ( is safe to share and is used for authentication. - Keep the private key (id_ed25519) confidential and secure. Do not share it. - Adjust file paths if you chose a different location or key name during creation.

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