Going Live checklist

Before switching to Production, ensure you have cross-checked the following, in order to make use of the cNGN system securely.

Merchant Onboarding and KYB Verification

Platform Setup

Technical Integration and Testing

Compliance and Security Setup

Communication and Support

Go-Live and Post-Launch Monitoring

Monitor First-Day Transactions:

  • Ensure all systems function as expected on launch day.

  • Track first-day payments for any discrepancies or issues.

  • Schedule Weekly Review Meetings:

  • Conduct regular check-ins with the onboarding team.

  • Monitor ongoing performance and address feedback promptly.

  • Make payment for KYB processing

  • Set up sub-Admins if necessary for approving transactions

  • Whitelist necessary addresses for cNGN withdrawal

  • Add company's bank account

  • Set up Multi-Factor Authentication

Last updated